Thursday, June 30, 2011

What you have trained your Nafs for ???

Often we find apprehension regarding following Deen, Non believers are of far concern our own muslim brothers and sister  come  to first place, im not  an exception though.Our own brothers and sisters find it difficult to follow Deen .We have wrongly presume that Islam have strict rules to follow but what i feel  is that to follow deen is not difficult it is our deep rooted mischieves of Nafs that are hard to leave because we have trained our nafs that way.Questions arise:
Do we find difficult to watch T.V.?
Do we find difficutl to glance at Na Mahram?
Do we find difficutl to hear haram things or talk Haram?
To summarise do we find difficult to fall into sins?
Answer is  Big NO
It is because we have directed our nafs in that way so it simply falls in sins but we have not developed our nafs in islamic way thats why we hesitate to follow it.
Like many sisters find it difficult to wear Burqa due to their own nafsani reason though we are very well aware that Allah Ta'ala's command are full of wisdom.It is for our own benefit still we keep distance.
some brothers find it difficult to keep beard though the true beauty of a man lies in having beard.

Giving you my example when i first intented to weat burqa i too had whisperings ,how  you will go out in such hot weather,how you will walk with burqa you never wore such a long robe before etc. but Alhumdulillah with power of Allah Ta'ala i ignored all thoughts and carried on with Allah command No doubt i had some problems because i have not disciplined myself in Islamic way so some problmes were  inevitable but Alhumdulillah now i can easily move  in burqa,mount on hills easily ,can eat in niqab.
  To follow the path of Allah first we need to  be aware of Allah Ta'ala commands and with His power must take step to follow deen InshaAllah Allah  Ta'ala will make it easy for us to move ahead.
Allah Ta'ala says in Hadith Qudsi
  "O My servant! If you take one step toward Me, I take ten toward you."
Such is the mercy of Ar Rahman Alhumdulillah !
Like we have made ourselves easily fall prey to sins we should conditioned our nafs  to follow deen and shun all evil desires and i can assure once you 'll be in deen you wont find any command of Allah Ta'ala difficult to follow but you 'll find aversion to all those predominant sins of nafs inshaAllah !
May Allah Ta'ala guide us to right path and  keep us true hearted on it Ameen !

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Intention Check

 “If your intention is one of the following three, do not seek knowledge: to shame the ignorant, to argue with the people of knowledge, or to cause people to turn their faces in your direction. Intend with your actions and words that which is with Allah, for indeed that which is with Allah shall remain and everything else shall perish.”
Sayyiduna Ibn Masud(May Allah be pleased with him)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How you intend to reach Allah ??

Reading through the most favourite page of newspaper "Spirituality" i came across this story.

There was a saint .People from far and wide came to him to find peace and tranquility of heart.Once there came a thief for the same purpose.Honestly he stated saint about his ouccupation.Hearing this like other people saint also accepted him ,that what can be expected from a saint.The thief used to ask the saint, how one can reach God,how can one meet God but saint like other days refused waiting for the right moment to come.One day the thief insisted the saint and repeated the same question.At this the saint pointed to a hill and asked the thief to mount that hill carrying six stones on his head.Thief obeyed as he was told.He started following the saint carrying the stones.The thief hardly reached the half way when he got tired.The saint aksed him to drop one stone and march on. More the thief was moving the more he was getting tired with the weight of stones.The saint aksed him to drop stone turn by turn till he reached the top of the hill with no stone.
Then the saint explained him like you are not able to reach this hill carrying the weight of stones,the same way how can one with the weight of anger,greed,desires,ego ,lust etc.on heart  reach the Lord the  Most High.To reach God one must lighten his heart with evils on heart.
Crux of the story is  that, to reach Allah Ta'ala one must have a clean and purify heart,Allah Ta'ala is Paak and He lives in Purified hearts ..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh Leader of mankind (Sallallahu Alaihy Wassalam)

يا صاحب الجمال و يا سيد البشر
بوجهــك المنــير فـقد نور القــــمـر

لايمــــكن ثــــنائك كـمـا كـان حـقه
بعد از خدا بزرگ توئی قصہ مختصر
Oh the possessor of beauty and O leader of mankind
By your illuminated countenance has the moon found light
It is impossible to praise you as you should be praised 
After God you are the greatest, this is a concise story

These B'ful Poetry is taken from:Sunni Forum

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mercy of Ar Rahman

If your sins are paining you they need to be treated,
By raising your hands in prayer before the dark night is completed.

Of the Mercy of God, you should never despair!
For your despairing is far greater than your sins, [beware]!

His Mercy to the righteous is tremendous generosity,
But His Mercy to the sinners is unmatched nobility.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hazrat Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) narrates in his book “Khutubatul Ahkam.” If one does not despise anyone but only regards himself as good, he regards his excellences and good conditions to be his own perfection and not a gift of Allah Ta'ala, and he does not have fear of losing or changing of any bounty whether it be knowledge, piety, steadfastness, spiritual exercises, worship, beauty, wealth, honor and good character,then this is referred to as Ujub (vanity). In Shari’at, both are prohibited. One saying of Hazrat Thanwi Rahmatulla Alaihe)from “Kamalaat-e-Ashrafiyyah” is mentioned here, “when a servant becomes lowly and despised in his own eyesight, then he is good in the sight of Allah Ta'ala, and when he regards himself to be good, then he is evil in the sight of Allah Ta'ala.”

Taken from;Reformation of Character by Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab (Damat baraktuhum)